Crossrail tunnel boring machines (TBMs) Victoria and Elizabeth are set to embark on the project’s final drive to Farringdon which will complete 42 kilometres of new rail tunnel through the centre of London.
Victoria, which is named after Queen Victoria, has now broken through into the Liverpool Street Crossrail station box between the existing Liverpool Street and Moorgate stations, completing Crossrail’s longest tunnel drive from Limmo Peninsula to Farringdon.
Victoria joins Elizabeth, who arrived in January. Both TBMs will now continue on to Farringdon where they will complete Crossrail’s tunnelling programme this spring.
The Liverpool Street tunnels have been constructed in isolation to the wider tunnelling programme by a Balfour Beatty, BeMo Tunnelling, Morgan Sindall and Vinci Construction joint venture.
A Dragados Sisk Joint Venture is constructing the eastern tunnels between Pudding Mill Lane and Stepney Green, Limmo Peninsula and Farringdon, and Victoria Dock Portal and Limmo.