Work on a proposed light rail system for the Swedish city of Lund could get underway this year after being included in Trafikverket’s urban transport investment plans.
On April 15, Trafikverket informed the Lund Municipality that the light rail project would be included in its funding proposals to the Swedish government, which will be submitted on May 20.
Lund plans to construct a 5.5-kilometre double-track tramway. With estimated infrastructure and rolling stock costs of around SEK 895 million (€96 million), the city requires the state to co-finance the project if it is to get off the ground.
Under a new initiative, Trafikverket is to be given SEK 500 million (€54 million) annually between 2015-18 to fund sustainable urban transport projects. The transport authority is in talks with six cities vying for the funding.
A final decision is expected to be made in October.
Emma Berg Inger, deputy chairman of the city of Lund, said that the announcement was an important milestone but added that “it is a way to go before the tramway can begin”.