Turkmenistan opens locomotive depot on Kazakhstan–Turkmenistan–Iran rail link

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A locomotive depot has been opened in the city of Bereket, Turkmenistan, on the Kazakhstan–Turkmenistan–Iran rail link.

Speaking to a group of the country’s railwaymen, Turkmenistan president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the project will help upgrade transport services to a higher level by promoting the area as a major transport hub.

He added: “With your success in building railway lines of national and international significance… and with your diligent work you contribute greatly to ensuring prosperity of the country, strengthening its economic might, and developing other areas of national economy.”

The depot will raise the standards for locomotive maintenance, the organisation of rolling stock repairs and improve the use of the fleet, according to the Turkmenistan government, and create more than 600 jobs.

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Workshops depots are equipped with load carriers, repair ditches and equipment for dismantling and assembling electric motors.

In addition to the workshops, there are special facilities for washing of diesel locomotives.

Since Turkmenistan’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, the government has developed the country’s railway to make it “one of the most important segments of the national economy.”

For the period of January to September 2017 the volume of cargo transported by the country was up 8.2 per cent on the same period in 2016, of which rail transport carried 62 per cent of that cargo.

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