Alstom has signed a contract with French public transport operator SYTRAL for the supply of new automatic operation systems to Lines B and D of the Lyon Metro.
Line B is due to commence automated operation by the end of 2019, while Line D will switch over in 2022.
SYTRAL’s “Avenir Metro” (Future Metro) programme aims to increase the capacity of Lines A, B and D of the Lyon Metro to cope with an estimated 30 per cent increase in demand over the next few years.
Alstom will increase train frequency by reducing the ‘gaps’ between them and by coupling trains together during rush hour.
The new system will be based on Alstom’s proven Urbalis 400 solution, which has already been deployed on 1,000 km of the world’s metros. It is a communication-based train control (CBTC) system, using radio to communicate between trains and the control centre, that employs the “moving block” principle to ensure operating headways as short as 80 seconds between trains.
Jean-Baptiste Eyméoud, president of Alstom France, commented: “Passengers will benefit from a faster and safer service. The new-generation metro of Lyon will be a real international showcase for Alstom.”
Two sites in France will be responsible for the design and manufacture of the new system – Villeurbanne for the supply of electronic products and equipment, as well as deployment and operational maintenance, and Saint-Ouen for the Urbalis signalling system.
Report by Nigel Wordsworth