North East-based train operator, Lumo, has today announced it has formed three new partnerships with LGBTQ+ companies in and around its hometown of Newcastle.
Lumo colleagues and customers will be encouraged to get involved with Northern Pride, Curious arts and Pride Media Centre & Pride Radio through ongoing activities and fundraising including:
- Sponsoring the Rainbow Festival at this year’s Northern Pride 2023, Lumo is helping to promote the event and is encouraging traveling to the festival in a more sustainable way.
- Being a ‘Champion’ of the Pride Media Centre, part of the Pride Community Network, a non-profit organisation that raises awareness of LGBTQ+ issues, supports health initiatives and promotes social inclusion and diversity through broadcasts and events.
- Working with Curious Arts – champions of LGBTQ+ arts, artists and communities across the North East – supporting its work to increase visibility, dialogue and understanding through a programme of creative projects and events.
To mark the beginning of the year-long partnerships and to show its commitment to diversity and inclusion, one of Lumo’s fleet will also be wrapped with pride messaging and logos of the three organisations.
The ‘Pride Partnerships’ train (unit number 803 003) will operate on Lumo’s Edinburgh to London route via Morpeth, Newcastle and Stevenage.
Martijn Gilbert, Managing Director at Lumo, said: “We’re so proud to be carrying such an important message on one of our fleet. The Pride message, and work of the groups we are supporting, is of high importance to us and is a natural fit for us to support.
“We place diversity and inclusivity at our heart, everyone is welcome at Lumo, both as customers and colleagues, and our Pride Partnerships train helps to communicate that to an even wider audience.”
Ste Dunn, Director of Northern Pride said “Lumo’s pride train takes our partnership to even greater heights. With Northern Pride’s message carried on Lumo’s route to London and Edinburgh, we’re continuing our aims of representation and visibility in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights.”
Phil Douglas, Executive Producer of Curious Arts, said “Our important work takes us all over the North East, but our partnership with Lumo will carry our message and celebrate our work even further. It’s great to see a Pride train that carries real partnerships and helps to raise awareness of the work of pride organisations across the North East.”
Peter Darrant, Director of Pride Community Network said “The work of the Pride Media Centre and Pride Radio takes our message from the North East across the airwaves to many parts of the UK and beyond, and it’s great to see that message now being taken even further afield on the railways thanks to Lumo coming onboard as a Champion and now launching its Pride Train. We look forward to working with Lumo on a number of other activities in the coming months.”
Lumo will also be participating in other Pride events throughout the month:
- On Saturday, 1st July Lumo will be getting into the Pride spirit in London with a series of activities planned along with other train operators and Network Rail at King’s Cross. A special Lumo Drag Queen from Newcastle will travel down on the 10:22 train and also perform at a special runway on the station concourse on the day of London Pride.
- In Newcastle, Lumo colleagues will be taking part in the Northern Pride March on Saturday 22nd July and the company will be present in the Rainbow Village at the Northern Pride Festival 2023 to talk about its train services and take part in some fun giveaways.
Image credit: Lumo