A planned strike by UK rail staff has been suspended while unions mull over a new deal, arbitration service Acas has announced.
Signalling and maintenance staff had planned to stage a 24-hour strike from 5pm on Thursday, June 4 and a 48-hour strike from 5pm on June 9.
Acas said in a statement: “After 4 days of intensive talks, Acas has helped Network Rail, RMT, TSSA & Unite formulate a set of revised proposals that the trades unions will now take away to consider.
“Recognising this, the RMT has agreed to suspend the industrial action planned for this week and next.”
Network Rail chief executive Mark Carne said: “I am very pleased that the industrial action has been suspended. With Acas’s help we have had very constructive talks with the unions over the weekend, and I hope they will be able to agree this deal.”