Femern A/S has announced a list of preferred contractors for the main tunnelling contracts in the Fehmarnbelt link project.
Femern A/S plans to enter into conditional contracts by mid-May 2016.
The 18-kilometre fixed link tunnel will connect the German island of Fehmarn with the Danish island of Lolland. The immersed tunnel will cut the current 45-minute ferry journey to just a seven-minute train trip.
Although Femern A/S plans to sign the contracts in May, construction will be on hold until the project is awarded a German construction permit.
The contracts will be valid until the end of 2019 but include an option to renegotiate after that point.
List of preferred companies
Immersed tunnel and tunnel factory
Consortium: Femern Link Contractors (FLC)
VINCI Construction Grands Projets S.A.S. (France)
Per Aarsleff A/S (Denmark)
Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG (Germany)
Max Bögl Stiftung & Co. KG (Germany)
CFE SA (Belgium)
Solétance-Bachy International S.A.S. (France)
BAM Infra BV (Netherlands)
BAM International B.V. (Netherlands)
Dredging International N.V. (Belgium)
COWI A/S (Denmark)
Consortium: Femern Link Contractors (FLC)
Per Aarsleff A/S (Denmark)
VINCI Construction Grands Projets S.A.S. (France)
Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG (Germany)
Max Bögl Stiftung & Co. KG (Germany)
CFE SA (Belgium)
Solétance-Bachy International S.A.S. (France)
BAM Infra B.V. (Netherlands)
BAM International B.V. (Netherlands)
COWI A/S (Denmark)
Consortium: Fehmarn Belt Contractors (FBC)
Boskalis International B.V. (Netherlands)
HOCHTIEF Solutions AG (Germany)
Ed. Züblin AG (Germany)
Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors B.V. (Netherlands)
SWECO Danmark A/S (Denmark)