How long would your commute take on a hyperloop?

Credit: Hyperloop One.
Credit: Hyperloop One.
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The futuristic transport system hyperloop promises to transform travel with speeds of up to 670mph.

It could dramatically improve journey times over long distances by strapping passengers into pods and propelling them through reduced-pressure tubes using magnets and electric motors.

Tests at 70mph and later 192mph on the Virgin Hyperloop One system proved successful earlier this year and should work continue to progress, the first hyperloop system could be operational by 2021.

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As the system moves from concept to reality, Virgin Hyperloop One has released a ‘route calculator’ tool, letting potential passengers see how much time they could save travelling between the world’s biggest cities – and how much smaller the world would seem.

London would be just 41 minutes away from Edinburgh rather than 2 hours 51 minutes on a high-speed train.

Los Angeles is 30 minutes away from Las Vegas rather than 2 hours and 8 minutes on a high-speed train.

And Paris is just 2 hours 51 minutes away from Moscow on a hyperloop system, rather than 6 hours by a plane.

Try out the Virgin Hyperloop One route calculator for yourself by clicking here. 

Read more: ‘Exciting but there are many problems to solve’ – one British engineer’s view of Hyperloop


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