The Salt Lake City County Council has voted in favour of providing $4.5 million to double track a section of the S Line light rail route in Salt Lake City.
A second track will be installed between stops at 300 and 500 East on the S Line, allowing the operator, Utah Transit Authority, to run an extra service an hour.
Additional funding will come from the federal government for the project, which is expected to cost $6 million in total.
UTA said it hopes to begin construction at the start of 2019 – although the authority still has some approvals outstanding before it can continue design and preliminary works.
Jerry Benson, UTA’s president and chief executive, said in a statement on UTA’s website: “We are grateful to the Salt Lake County Council for approving these funds to double track the S-Line, making streetcar service more accessible to everyone traveling in South Salt Lake and Sugar House.”
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