DB Cargo places 100-locomotive framework order with Siemens

Image: DB/Siemens.
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DB Cargo has signed a framework agreement with Siemens worth a quarter of a billion euros for up to 100 new Vectron locomotives.

The first call off for 60 multi-system locomotives has already been placed, with the first units due to enter service by the end of this year.

Five locomotives will be in operation in December and the remaining 55 units will be delivered by the second half of 2018.

The locomotives will operate on the Rhine-Alps corridor.

Berthold Huber, DB Group Management board member, said: “Thanks to the new locomotives as well as other planned investments in modern freight wagons and additional operating staff, we are creating the optimal conditions to be able to shift more transport from road to rail.

“We are not only capitalising on the current increase in demand and the reorganisation of DB Cargo as part of the Zukunft Bahn programme; we are also translating the potential of the master plan for rail freight transport and much lower track access charges into better services for our customers.”

Read more: Locomore discontinues intercity rail services


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